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Listen to Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee
New Testament
Today's broadcast:
The Beginning of the Gospel and the Initiation of the Slave-Savior (2)
from Life-study of the Bible (Mark 1:1-13)
8pm Mon-Fri (Premier Christian Radio)
New Testament Highlights
This week's highlights broadcast:
The Contents of the Slave-Savior's Gospel Service (1) & (2)
from Life-study of the Bible (Mark 1:14-45)
3pm Lord's Day (Premier Christian Radio)
Highlight programmes are selected by Amana Trust.
Amana Trust Newsletter

Life-study of Luke (May – Aug 2021)

Life-study of the Bible is a book-by-book commentary on the Scriptures. In listening to Life-study of the Bible, we anticipate that you would be brought into a deeper enjoyment of the Scriptures and of our dear and precious Lord Jesus. We hope you enjoy listening to the broadcast.

The following is a previous New Testament broadcast schedule. You may also like to view these UK broadcast schedules:

Broadcast Schedule — Life-study of Luke

The subject of Luke is "The Gospel of the Forgiveness of Sins—Proving That Jesus Christ is the Man-Savior."

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Please note that these radio programmes are pre-recorded and special offers mentioned in the programmes may no longer be available.
Life-study of the Bible is produced by Living Stream Ministry and is sponsored in the United Kingdom by Amana Trust.
Highlight programmes are selected by Amana Trust.
Life-study of the Bible airs daily in the United Kingdom:
  • New Testament: Monday to Friday at 8pm on Premier Christian Radio
  • Old Testament Highlights: Lord's day Lord's Day at 3pm on Premier Christian Radio
You may also listen to the broadcast at any time, here on this website.