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Listen to Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee
New Testament
Recent broadcast:
The Virtues of the Divine Birth to Overcome the World, Death, Sin, the Devil, and the Idols (5)
from Life-study of the Bible (1 John 5:18-21)
8pm Mon-Fri (Premier Christian Radio)
New Testament Highlights
This week's highlights broadcast:
The Virtues of the Divine Birth to Overcome the World, Death, Sin, the Devil, and the Idols (1)
from Life-study of the Bible (1 John 5:4-13)
3pm Lord's Day (Premier Christian Radio)
Highlight programmes are selected by Amana Trust.
Amana Trust Newsletter

January 2016

The Amana Trust Newsletter is a free monthly email. In addition to portions of ministry, the newsletter features broadcast updates and other items of interest. We hope that the newsletter will not only inform you of current news but will also nourish and refresh your spirit.


"[B]eing nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which you have closely followed." 1 Timothy 4:6

January 2016

The Spiritual Significance of the New Year

"We need to meet God, and we need an ending and a new beginning. We should not remain in our old experiences, whether good or bad, because both the good and the bad have been terminated so that we can begin anew."

Life-study of the Bible Radio Broadcast

Life-Study of the Bible Radio Program

Presenting The Life-study of Exodus


"Christ Is the Redemption, Salvation, and Supply of God’s People and the Means for Them to Worship and Serve God So That in Him They May Be Built Up with God Together for Them and God to Meet, Communicate, and Dwell Mutually".

Life-study of the Bible is a book-by-book commentary on the Scriptures. In listening to Life-study of the Bible, we anticipate that you would be brought into a deeper enjoyment of the Scriptures and of our dear and precious Lord Jesus. We hope you enjoy listening to the broadcast.

Amana Trust Books Special Offers

Life-Study of the Bible by Witness Lee

Life-study of the Bible is a book-by-book commentary of the Bible, to present the truth, minister the life supply, and open up the riches in the Bible. This offer corresponds with the current broadcast schedule of Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee.

Life Study of the Bible by Witness Lee

Limited Time Offers

  1. 30% off Life-study of Exodus
  2. 30% off Life-study of Philippians

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In addition to portions of ministry, our newsletters feature broadcast updates and other items of interest. We hope that this newsletter will not only inform you of current news but will also nourish and refresh your spirit. If you like this newsletter you can forward it to a friend.

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Bower House, Orange Tree Hill, Romford, Essex, RM4 1PB

Registered in England and Wales, company number: 4366897

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