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Listen to Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee
New Testament
Recent broadcast:
The Virtues of the Divine Birth to Overcome the World, Death, Sin, the Devil, and the Idols (5)
from Life-study of the Bible (1 John 5:18-21)
8pm Mon-Fri (Premier Christian Radio)
New Testament Highlights
This week's highlights broadcast:
The Virtues of the Divine Birth to Overcome the World, Death, Sin, the Devil, and the Idols (1)
from Life-study of the Bible (1 John 5:4-13)
3pm Lord's Day (Premier Christian Radio)
Highlight programmes are selected by Amana Trust.
Amana Trust Newsletter

1, 2, and 3 John (Sep – Oct 2011)

Life-study of the Bible is a book-by-book commentary on the Scriptures that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures.

The Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee radio programme is broadcast daily in the UK on Premier Christian Radio, and can also be listened to at any time here on this website. The current radio broadcast in the UK is the Life-study of 1, 2, and 3 John.

Below are selected ministry excerpts related to 1, 2, and 3 John. The subject of 1 John is "The Fellowship of the Divine Life", the subject of 2 John is "Prohibition against Participation in Heresy", and the subject of 3 John is "Encouragement to the Fellow Workers in the Truth". Click on the links below to continue reading from this month's selected excerpts. Any verses that are quoted on this page are taken from the Recovery Version of the Bible.

The Eternal Life

The word "eternal" denotes not only the duration of time, which is everlasting, without end, but also the quality, which is absolutely perfect and complete, without any shortage or defect.

The Fellowship of the Divine Life

As the continuation of the Gospel of John, this Epistle shows us that after receiving the divine life, we may have the fellowship of life as the issue of the divine life.

The Conditions of the Divine Fellowship

...It is not a simple matter to maintain this fellowship and remain in it. For this reason, the apostle John does not pass over the conditions that must be fulfilled if we are to remain in the divine fellowship.

Life-Study of 1, 2, and 3 John, Jude is published by Living Stream Ministry, and is available for purchase from Amana Trust Books. You can also read this book online at

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